Python code for BMI Calculator

You can checkout to the below link for BMI values:

BMI_Calculator_with Python code 

#Check Your BMI using the below code:
print("Welcome to PGRSpot BMI_Calculator")
weight = float(input("Enter your weight in kg: \n"))
height = float(input("Enter your height in meter\n"))
BMI = round((weight) / (height) ** 2, 2)

if BMI < 18.5:
print(f'Your BMI is, {BMI} and you are UNDERWEIGHT')
elif BMI <= 24.9:
print(f'Your BMI is {BMI} and you are Normal Weight')
elif BMI <= 29.9:
print(f'Your BMI is {BMI} and you are OVERWEIGHT')
print(f'Your BMI is {BMI} and you are OBESITY')

print("\nThanks for using PGRSpot BMI") 

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