What is DHCP
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- It helps to get IP Address Dynamically from the Server.
- It works under the Process called as DORA
- D - Discover
- O - Offer
- R - Request
- A - Acknowledge
- DHCP uses Bootstrap Protocol to do DORA Process.
- DHCP Port Numbers :
- DHCP Server Port no : 67
- DHCP Client Port no : 68
- Discover
- Since Client doesn't know where is the Server, Initially it sends a broadcast frame with the destination mac as : ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff with its own source Mac and Source IP Address as and destination IP Address as (Broadcast IP Address).
- You can also see port no source port number as 68( DHCP Client Port number) and port number as 67( DHCP Server port number), which means from Client to Server.

- As soon as Server gets the information from the Client, it responds to the Client with certain details as Lease time, Broadcast IP, DNS IP, Subnet-mask, and its own information(MAC Address and IP Address ).
- With these information, what it asks to the client as, I am having these information and this is my IP segment, is it Ok for you to use this IP Network range....

- Request
- Request is the Process from Client to Server, in response to DHCP-Offer.
- In this Process, Client request's to Server as, Can I use this IP Address (Here is
- At this Stage also, Client doesn't have any IP Address.

- Acknowledge
- This is the Final Step of the Process, here Server Acknowledges the Request send by Client as Ok, you can use this IP Address.
- Server stores certain Information about a Client, you can see about this in the below images.

This is the Final verification of DHCP Server.
That's it about DHCP
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