Help Command
Help command is a functionality in Linux that helps you to understand how a specific command can be used. Help can be used in 2 different syntax waysSyntax Type1:
Command: help <parameter>
Fig1: unable to find the output of ls using help command (ls is the executable command)
Fig2: Here, we can find the output of help command using help cd (shell in-built commands)Syntax Type 2:
Command: <parameter> --help
Fig3 (Executable command) and Fig 4(shell inbuilt command), both shows the output using the syntax 2 help command.

In short,
Command: <parameter> --help
This command will provide you the information for both Executable and Shell in-built commands.
Command: help <parameter>
This command will provide you the information for only Shell in-built commands and not for Executable commands.
You can also view at my video tutorial explained in Tamil:
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